Refactoring a static class with hard-coded dependencies for testability

is not that hard. You can add a factory method to the static class to create the dependency, and change the factory method at test-time.
Here's an example:

public static class WithDependencies
	public static string MethodWithDependencies()
		using (var thing = new HardCodedThing())
			return DoSomething();

which can be turned into:

public static class WithDependencies
    public static Func<HardCodedThing> CreateHardCodedThing = () => new HardCodedThing();

	public static void MethodWithDependencies()
		using (var thing = CreateHardCodedThing())

With this code in your test:

public class WhenDoingSomething
	private Mock<HardCodedThing> mockThing;

	public void SetUpMockThing()
		// mockThing.Setup( ...  ) ... etc ...

	public void Given_hardcodedthing_does_X_should_get_Y()
		WithDependencies.CreateHardCodedThing = () => mockThing.Object;
		var result= WithDependencies.MethodWithDependencies();
		Assert.AreEqual("Y", result);

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Refactoring a static class with hard-cod…

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