Add ConEmu
to your VisualStudio Menu -> Tools -> External
By copying the line from ConEmu's shell integration to get:
Command: C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe
Arguments: "{PowerShell} -cur_console:n"
Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)
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Software Development
Add ConEmu
to your VisualStudio Menu -> Tools -> External
By copying the line from ConEmu's shell integration to get:
Command: C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe
Arguments: "{PowerShell} -cur_console:n"
Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)
Put this in the Target
of a cmd.exe
shortcut and optionally set Run
to Minimized
cmd.exe /c "dir ..\StartupDelayedStart\* && Timeout /T 10 && echo 'waiting...' && Timeout /T 30 && for %f in ( ..\StartupDelayedStart\* ) do start "" "%f" "
There’s a great Q and Answer at dijkstra-path-finding-in-c-is-15x-slower-than-c-version which starts with C++ code at 2ms vs C# at 38ms; and finishes with C# at 2.8ms.
On similar lines, the solution to this riddle — why-does-net-core-2-0-perform-worse-than-net-framework-4-6-1 — has nothing to do with the framework; it results from the slower performance of 64bit code compared to 32bit.
Which just goes to confirm what you might have suspected;
VMs aren’t that slow; and
For best performance, you have to understand your VM, and your language, and your O/S, and ultimately your CPU.