Amazon Web Services carefully explain how to use a private docker image in ECS
, the Amazon container service. But fails to mention what repository URL to use for a dockerhub public repository. The answer is … none at all. Just the same as the docker CLI, if you specify just namespace/imagename
for a container image, ECS will pull it from dockerhub.
Category: Computers
Mac OS X and Windows
BootCamp says “Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server”
If you see this error message when trying to install bootcamp:
- Press the back button and try again
- Wait half an hour/day/month and try again
Deep Learning & Unintended Algorithm Bias
This was a 5 minute talk on deep learning for the very excellent @chesterdevs. Like others talking about deep learning, I took visuals and the face-learning example from the landmark 2012 paper, Quoc Le/Google/Andrew Ng paper, “Building High-level Features Using Large Scale Unsupervised Learning.”
Only afterwards did I notice that the subset of images which their system show as “most like a face” from their test set were 90% male and 90% white, as is the prototypical face that the machine outputs.
And so we have a neat demonstration of unintended algorithm bias: their input was 10 million randomly-chosen youtube videos; the output was white and male. I bet they didn't expect that.
A salutary reminder that—as the hard-working statistician will tell you—“random selection” does not mean “unbiased”.
AutoHotKey script for they who, being Mac Users and also equipped with an Apple keyboard, yet still they work at a Windows desktop
Surprising how much time you can spend on these little niggles…
- Irritated that Windows doesn't have an ellipsis key?
- Wondering how to do printscreen from your apple keyboard?
- Really really fed up with swapping between Cut‘n’Paste is “⌘-C,⌘-V” and Cut‘n’Paste is “Ctrl-c-Ctrl-v”?
Help is at hand.
When I first came across I was a bit unsure about using AutoHotKey. But I have seen the light. It is the bee's knees. It is open source, widely used for years, free, small footprint and is the ultimate customise-all-the-things tool for Windows. It is a combined scripting tool & Keyboard/Mouse hotkey manager.
My AutoHotKey for a Mac User with an Apple keyboard on Windows Script
There you are. It's all you need. That, and a few hours to customise it yourself. Then a few more hours to… oh, never mind.
When I said that AHK is the bee's knees, I didn't say that the language isn't arcane, unintuitive and bearing signs of organic growth over a decade or more…