dotCover config file for command line NUnit test coverage

So you want to produce a coverage report for your .Net project, preferably from the command line? If you use dotCover and NUnit then this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Executable><!-- Path to your NUnit bin directory e.g.  -->C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.10\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe</Executable>
    <WorkingDir><!-- This path works for running dotCover with a config file in the project directory-->bin\Debug\</WorkingDir>
    <Arguments><!-- The dlls containing NUnit tests. Space delimited if more than one-->My.Tests.dll My.MoreTests.dll</Arguments>
    <Output><!-- Path to where I want the report. Can be relative or absolute -->My.Tests.Coverage.html</Output>
            <FilterEntry><!--  _ "Module" means project _ --><ModuleMask>*</ModuleMask></FilterEntry>
            <FilterEntry><!--  _ "Module" means project _ --><ModuleMask>My.Tests</ModuleMask></FilterEntry>
            <FilterEntry><!-- namespaces can be filter with a ClassMask with * wildcard --><ClassMask>Namespaces.For.AutogeneratedCode.*</ClassMask></FilterEntry>

will allow you, from the command line, to type:

dotCover analyse MyConfigFileName.xml

and generate coverage reports. Assuming that dotCover is in your path of course.
I like to set the filters to exclude coverge report on the test project itself as well as autogenerated code.

Covering Multiple Test Projects In One Run

  • Set your working directory to be a parent of all the test projects, e.g. the solution directory.
  • List the full relative paths to each Test dll, space limited:
    <Arguments>Web.Tests\bin\Debug\MyProject.Web.Tests.dll Implementation.Tests\bin\Debug\MyProject.Implementation.Tests.dll</Arguments>

Filtering and more advanced coverage configs

  • Look down the right hand side of the page here : for documentation, such as it is.
  • Filtering is covered here:
  • More complex stuff is touched on here:

dotCover config file for command line NU…

by Chris F Carroll read it in 2 min