A javascript unit testing framework in 50 lines

Last week at xp-man we did some TDD practise - by writing a tdd framework from scratch. The surprise was, how easy it was. So here, to my surprise, a very-bare-bones javascript unit test framework in 50 lines of code including the passing unit tests for the framework itself.

/*  www.cafe-encounter.net/p734/ */

function Specification( name, tests, outputContainer ){
    this.name= name;
    this.tests= tests;
    this.outputContainer= outputContainer || $('#testResults');

Specification.prototype = {
    name : 'UnnamedSpecification',
    tests : {},
    outputContainer : null,

    addMyselfToUI : function(){
        this.outputContainer.append( "<li><h3>" + this.name +"</h3><ul id='" + this.name + "'></ul></li>");

    testDomId:function (test) {
        return this.name + "_" + test;

    addTestToUI : function addTestToUI( test ){
        $('#' + this.name).append( "<li id='" + this.testDomId(test) + "'>" + test + "<input type='checkbox'/></li>");

    markTestPassed : function( test ){
        $("#" + this.testDomId(test) + " input").prop("checked",true);

    markTestFailed : function( test, ex ){
        $("#" + this.testDomId(test) + " input").prop("checked",false);
        $("#" + this.testDomId(test) + " input").after("<ul>Output:<li>" + ex.toString() + "</li></ul>");

    runTest : function (test) {
        } catch(ex)  {
            this.markTestFailed(test, ex);

    runTests : function(){

        for (var test in this.tests) {
            if (this.tests.hasOwnProperty(test)) this.runTest( test );

     new Specification("TestFrameworkSpecifications", {

        aTestShouldAddItselfInTheTestResults:function() {},

        aPassingTestShouldTickTheCheckbox : function() {},

        aFailingTestShouldUntickTheCheckbox:function () {
            throw "This thrown exception should appear in the output, indicating a failure";

And the html doc to load and run it:

    <title>Minimal Javascript Test Framework</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/wsl-testframework.js"></script>
<ul id="testResults">

As written, I admit a dependency on jQuery, but you can replace that with document.write(). The obvious omission is a bundle of pre-defined assertions, but if you are developing a domain specific testing language then assertions should be part of that package, not part of the test running framework.

The obvious oddity is that the test suite demonstrates its test failure behaviour by failing a test; and you see that that is the correct result by inspecting the output.

This has led me to think that the TDD way to learn a new language is ... to write a TDD framework for it.

Fastest XML Editor

The really fasted XML editor I've ever used is XMLMarker which loads a 5MB file in a fraction of a second. When editing, it shows the XML simultaneously in tree, text and 'Data Grid' views which is quite impressive as are a couple of its other features:

  • You can edit data in the data view, not just in the text view
  • If you 'break' the document by editing the markup in text view, the data and tree views still work (arguably a dangerous feature: caveat user)

But I'm often doing RegEx search and replace, which XML Marker doesn't do, and often editing text as well as xml. Notepad++ is quite speedy and can do regexes, but Sublime Text 2 does regex search and replace much better: it does live highlighting of what its found as you type, so you can 'debug' your regexing on the fly.

Everyone wants xml pretty printing (well, re-indenting), which for Sublime Text 2 is done by first installing the WBond.net package manager and then installing the 'Indent XML' package. Package Management in Sublime Text is a bit command-liney, so do read Mr. Bond's instructions.

sp_WhoLock – a T-SQL stored proc combining sp_who and sp_lock to show who’s locking what and how much

Run this query, or remove the comments to actually create a stored proc.
Note that SQL pre-2008 requires a field to be commented out of the query, as noted inline.

--Create Procedure WhoLock

if object_id('tempdb..#locksummary') is not null Drop table #locksummary
if object_id('tempdb..#lock') is not null Drop table #lock
create table #lock (    spid int,    dbid int,    objId int,    indId int,    Type char(4),    resource nchar(32),    Mode char(8),    status char(6))
Insert into #lock exec sp_lock
if object_id('tempdb..#who') is not null Drop table #who
create table #who (     spid int, ecid int, status char(30),
            loginame char(128), hostname char(128),
            blk char(5), dbname char(128), cmd char(16)
            , request_id INT --Remove this line for SQL 2005 or earlier
Insert into #who exec sp_who
Print '-----------------------------------------'
Print 'Lock Summary for ' + @@servername  + ' (excluding tempdb):'
Print '-----------------------------------------' + Char(10)
Select     left(loginame, 28) as loginame, 
    left(db_name(dbid),128) as DB,
    left(object_name(objID),30) as object,
    max(mode) as [ToLevel],
    Count(*) as [How Many],
    Max(Case When mode= 'X' Then cmd Else null End) as [Xclusive lock for command],
    l.spid, hostname
into #LockSummary
from #lock l join #who w on l.spid= w.spid
where dbID != db_id('tempdb') and l.status='GRANT'
group by dbID, objID, l.spid, hostname, loginame

Select * from #LockSummary order by [ToLevel] Desc, [How Many] Desc, loginame, DB, object

Print '--------'
Print 'Who is blocking:'
Print '--------' + char(10)
SELECT p.spid
,convert(char(12), d.name) db_name
, program_name
, p.loginame
, convert(char(12), hostname) hostname
, cmd
, p.status
, p.blocked
, login_time
, last_batch
, p.spid
FROM      master..sysprocesses p
JOIN      master..sysdatabases d ON p.dbid =  d.dbid
          FROM      master..sysprocesses p2
          WHERE     p2.blocked = p.spid )

Print '--------'
Print 'Details:'
Print '--------' + char(10)
Select     left(loginame, 30) as loginame,  l.spid,
    left(db_name(dbid),15) as DB,
    left(object_name(objID),40) as object,
    mode ,
from #lock l join #who w on l.spid= w.spid
where dbID != db_id('tempdb') and blk <>0
Order by mode desc, blk, loginame, dbID, objID, l.status

Although this is a bare metal approach to investigating sql contention, the query does show you actual login names, so it enables you to join up technical issues with affected/affecting customers.