The Smallest Agile Methodology That Could Possibly Work


You need 3 hats. That might mean 3 people, or 3 groups of people, or 1 or 2 people wearing more than 1 hat:

  • 1 person who knows what they want to have.
  • 1 person who knows about how to provide that.
  • 1 person with enough money to pay for it to be provided.

People Checklist

1) Do you have someone to wear each of the 3 hats?

A: I don't have someone who knows what they want.

  • Consider a research project instead, in which you try to work out what you want.
  • Otherwise Stop Now.

A: I don't have someone who knows how to provide what I want

  • Find help. Otherwise Stop Now.

A: I don't know whether we have enough money.

  • Do the next 2 steps, Requirements and Priorities, and then do the Budget step. If you cannot afford to do those steps, then you do not have enough money and you should Stop Now.


  • The person who know what they want must express what they want in enough detail that the person who is going to provide it can understand what they are supposed to be providing.

This sounds very simple. It is not. Many many conflicts in personal life, disastrous work projects, and famous cockups in politics follow from the fact that helping person A to express what they want well enough so that person B can deliver it for them is a skill that takes time to learn.

Solution: hire a Business Analyst to help person A to express what they want and to express it as requirements that persons A and B can both agree they understand and are happy with

Requirements Checklist

1) Does anyone involved have previous experience of how easy it is is to trip up on getting someone to express what they want correctly and in enough detail for someone to deliver it?

A: No

  • Find someone. Pay for their help.
  • Or, budget for doing everything 2 to 3 times in order to get it right. (Yes, 2 to 3 times is about right for your first ever project. It is not a worst-case.)


  • The person who knows what they want must be able to express what their priorities are amongst the things they want. Either based on what they want fastest, or on what they value most.

This sounds very simple. It is. The only two things that can possibly go wrong are:

  • person A changes their mind.
  • you have not broken the work into small enough chunks. A small enough chunk is a chunk that the person doing the work is confident they can can complete in under a week or so.

Priorities Checklist

1) Can the person who knows what they want prioritise what they want and break it down into small enough chunks so that the person who knows how to deliver can confidently say, of at least the top 2 items, that they can do them in less than a week or so each?

A: No

  • Find someone to help with doing this.
  • Alternatively, budget for 2 to 3 times the cost of the first item for working out as you go along how to do it. If you have already budgeted 2 to 3 times cost because of no experience with requirements, that gets you to 4 to 9 times the cost for the first item. Yes, really.


  • The person who knows how to deliver (build, buy, borrow, invent, bodge, whatever) what the person who knows what they want wants, does so.
  • [If there is more work involved than they can do in a week or so, they first chunk the work, in strict priority order, into batches of, say, a week's work.]
  • After they have completed as little of the first piece of work that is still showable to the person who knows what they want, they show it. The person who knows what they want confirm or corrects the understanding of what is wanted. The person who is delivering corrects course.
  • After they have completed the whole of the fist piece of work they show that.
  • [Or, in the larger chunked case, after the first batch they show the person who knows what they want, what they can have so far.]
  • The person who knows what they want then says, “yes I'll take that” or “that looks great, keep going” or “please change … <insert detail here>.”
  • If it is not finished, keep going. If it takes a long time, work to a regular rhythm.


  • After you have requirements and priorities, you may wish to plan a budget. A budget is often counted in money or in person-days of work.

You may think that offering a price for a job is what any experienced tradesman should be able to do. You may, or may not, be right. There are 3 main risks:

  • Nobody involved in the project has enough experience to estimate a fair budget, but no-one wants to admit to not having enough experience.
  • The people estimating the budget are pressured into underestimating the costs
  • The job, for reasons not yet foreeen, will incur unexpected additional costs.

Budget Checklist

1) Make sure you have reviewed each of the 2 to 3 times multipliers for inexperience in Requirements and Prioritisation.

2) Do you have someone on the project with enough experience to estimate a budget?

A: Yes

  • Is that person the person doing the work?
    A: Yes: Then accept their min/max estimates for costs and their choice of a prudent budget
    A: No: Then have them review their min/max estimates for costs with the person doing the work, let the person doing the work provide detail, and let them come to a consensus.

A: No

  • Find someone to help.
  • If you are able and willing to risk the cost of 1 or 2 weeks work, consider simply starting the work and reviewing progress after 1 or 2 weeks. Then, try again to estimate a budget.


  • Whatever you do, review how you are working after 1 to 2 weeks. Ask yourselves questions to help understand your satisfaction and dissatisfaction, for instance:
    • What is going well?
    • What am I happy with or not happy with?
    • What can we do better?
    • What would I like to change?
      Then, make a plan to do at least one of the things you decided would make things better.

Note you are not asking, “is the thing we are delivering good?” You are asking “is the way we are working good?” The two things are closely linked of course, both in the positives and the negatives.

Review Checklist

1) Did you, in fact, do a review after 1 to 2 weeks?
2) Did you, in fact, choose at least one thing to improve?
3) If you are now 4 weeks into a project have you, in fact, improved the things you intended to improve.


  • A risk is something that might either stop your project or else make you wish you had not started it. Make a list of them.
  • All of the checklists above represent potential risks. If you did not have a whole-hearted pass for each item of each checklist, list that as a risk.
  • Each time you plan a piece of work, consider the associated risks and how you can make the risk smaller. If you don't really know how to, find help.
  • For risks that you cannot make any smaller, are you able to accept the price of that risk happening? Are you clear on who has what share of the price?

Risk Checklist

1) Did you make a risk list?

A: No

  • Stop Now.

2) Do you have someone on the project with prior experience in managing risk?

A: No

  • That is a risk. Get help.

3) Do the things you haved planned to minimise risk really minimise risk or are they just things you can write down even though they might have no effect in minimising the risk?


  • It is a fact of craft work that the right answer is often, “Get someone with the experience to do it”
  • Minimalism is of little use to a beginner. Rather, they first need a step-by-step, then later they can understand how to try minimalism.
    This is why complaints that “<insert agile methodology name here> is terrible” are largely futile. All well-known agile methods gives a simple enough way to start off and then require you to review and change how you work.

A Manifesto for Post-Agile Software Development

In nearly 15 years since the Agile manifesto was penned, an entire generation of the software industry has grown up having known only allegedly 'Agile' methodologies. Their experience has not always been positive.

The 'new' criticisms made against agile – by those who have grown up with it, not those who opposed it in the first place – are rarely criticisms of the agile manifesto. They are, often, reactions against the (abusive) experience of being pushed into processes, behaviours & relationships which are unsatisfactory; whilst at the same being stripped of any power to improve them.

We should always react against people being pushed about, and made powerless.

A manifesto is a small thing. It can fall on deaf ears. It can be interpreted to mean the opposite of what was intended, it can be misused to manipulate people. But if we make the effort to keep in touch with each other, and to keep trying to re-state what was meant, it can continue to be a valuable guide. And so I propose a 15th anniversary postscript.

Manifesto for Post-Agile Software Development: A Postscript

  • The agile manifesto was not and is not a prescription for people to impose conformity, nor a tool for controlling people.
  • There is a deeper theme to agile. At the core it is based on trust and respect, promoting workplace relationships which value people. We oppose methods, structures and behaviours which reduce respect and trust, and which reduce people to assets with no power.
  • Agile will always demand shared learning and shared improvement. Without critical reflection and learning – both from their own experiences and from the wider community – teams cannot remain agile. Without improvement based on that learning, 'agile' becomes fossilization.
Manifesto for Agile Software Development: A Reminder of the Original

The Agile Manifesto:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


  • The phrase and much of the bullet point ‘There is a deeper theme...’ comes from About the Manifesto.
  • The emphasis on continuous learning is for some so obvious as to need no explanation. But some are stuck in a so-called “agile” process which they are powerless to change or improve. The irony of naming such an structure “Agile” would be funny if it weren't so painful.
  • Ron Jeffries' response to some criticisms of Scrum was: “The essence of what makes Scrum work isn’t the three roles, the five meetings, the one artifact. It’s Inspect and Adapt. When things are not going as you like, you’re supposed to fix it.”
  • To cry out that without continuous learning and change there is no agile, can be a powerful tool for the disempowered.
  • Calling for change in a broken process can become a step towards changing broken relationships.
  • Beyond “Deliver working software. In a team.”, I see two essentials to agile:
    • Treat people well
    • Never stop learning
    Each of these two is only truly possible when the other is also practised.

Go Further, Do Better

  • Alastair Cockburn was ahead of the game and has been teaching  Heart of Agile for a while. He has four essentials: Collaborate, Improve, Deliver, Reflect.
  • Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson's post on turning the dials up to 12  starts from, ‘Al Smith once said “The cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy”. We say The cure for the ills of “Agile” is more Agile.”’ and sketches what turning the dials to 12 might mean.
  • Gabrielle Benefield's “Mobius Loop” uses a different language and stipulates a process. At first glance it is much more achievement focussed. The four “corners” of their figure 8 loop are Why & Who; Outcomes; Deliver; Measure & Learn; and the centre crossover of the loop is Options.

An older bibliography

Draft – Comment & Contribution Welcome. Updated September 2019.

Coplien & Bjørnvig : Lean Architecture For Agile Developers. A Review

Four years after this book came out, Agile Architecture has at last become a Thing. But as the nuance of its title hints, this book is not fad-driven. It is a carefully-thought out exposition of what architects can learn from lean and agile ideas, and what they can do better as a result.

Well. It's partly that. If you are a practising architect, it is actually four must-read books in one.

If you are not, you might dismiss this book for two reasons. The first, that judging by other reviews & my own experience, the homespun style of the first half does not suit a bullet-pointed gimme-the-headlines-now generation. The second is that if you have not experienced the pitfalls of architecting and doing software in a real organisation with actual people in it, then Coplien & Bjørnvig's pearls of wisdom may impress you much as the agile manifesto might impress a cattle rancher.

It is not a beginner's book. It is the mature distillation of the sweat-soaked notebooks of a fellow-traveller who has stumbled over rocky terrain, been through the tarpits and has some hard-bloody-earned (and, academically researched) wisdom to share as a result.

I said four must-reads in one. They are:

1) The (literally) decades of experience of a leading practitioner & thinker in the field.

2) A thought-through answer to the questions, what can we learn from lean & agile. Whilst value-chains and some technique feature, the authors' secret conviction is surely that Technology Is All About Human Beings. "Everybody, all together, from early on" is their Lean Secret. "Deferring interaction with stakeholders [users, the business, customers, domain experts, developers], or deferring decisions beyond the responsible moment slows progress, raises cost and increases frustration. A team acts like a team from the start."

3) Which leads to that which for me, as a more techy-focused reader, was the marvel of the book. Clements et al in "Software Architecture in Practise" offered attribute-driven design, a partitioning of the system based on a priority ordering of, primarily, technical quality requirements. Coplien & Bjørnvig all but deduce a partitioning based on the priority ordering of people: Users first, Development team next.

"The end-users' mental model" is the refrain on which they start early and never stop hammering. From this they suggest that the first partitioning is What the System Is from What the System Does. I am tempted to paraphrase as, Domain Model from Use Cases. But their point is partly that this also neatly matches the primary partition by rate of change, because the last thing to change in a business is, the business of the business. If you're in retail, you might change what and how and where you sell, but your business is still Selling Stuff. And at lower levels inside the organisation too: an accounting department, though there has been five thousand years of technology change, still does accounting. The users know this. They understand their domain and if the fundamental form of your software system matches the end user mental model then it can survive–nay, enable!–change and stay fundamentally fit for purpose.

Second, don't fight Conway's law. "Organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations". The deduction for agile teams is, partition so as to maximise the long-term autonomy of your self-organising teams. Even when the team divisions are imposed for non-technical reasons–geography, politics, whatever–still allow that fact to trump more 'technical' considerations. This may not match your vision of technical perfection, but it will still be the best way. Ruth Malan recently paraphrased Conway's law as, "if the architecture of the system and the architecture of the organization are at odds, the architecture of the organization wins". Don't be a loser.

These points seem to me obvious in hindsight, yet they turn traditional approaches to high-level designs on their head. After considering People, yes we can considering rates of change, quality attributes, technology areas. But it's always People First.

4) And finally. This is the first book-sized exposition of DCI architecture, which I would describe as an architectural pattern for systems that have users. Having separated What the System Is from What the System Does, DCI provides the design pattern for how What the System Does (the Use Cases) marshals the elements of the What the System Is. There are at least three notable outcomes.

Firstly that use cases are mapped closely to specific pieces of code; in the best case each use case can be encapsulated in its own component.

Secondly, that the relationship between Domain elements and Use Cases are expressed as "In Use Case X Domain element Y plays the Role of Z". This brings significant clarity to both, and is part of the key to 'componentising' use cases; the Roles needed for a use case become, in the code, its public dependencies. In UML-speak, the Required Interfaces for such a UseCaseComponent are the roles needed to 'play' the use case, and those roles are Interfaces which are implemented by Classes in the Domain Model. Coupling is reduced, cohesion is gained, clarity is achieved.

Thirdly, the simpleness of the mapping from business architecture to code is greatly increased. Suddenly one can draw simple straight lines between corresponding elements of architecture and code.

The authors say of their work, "This book is about a Lean approach to domain architecture that lays a foundation for agile software change". To my mind, this hits the agile architecture nail on the head. Agile software development always only ever succeeded at scale because the people doing it either knew, or had given to them, enough architecture to make it work. Software Agility, just like every other software -ility, must either be supported by the architecture or it ain't gonna happen.

But the best thing I got from this book was the proof, before my very eyes, that correct technical design flows from knowing how to put the human beings central.

Where to Buy


ebay (UK): Lean Architecture for Agile Software Development

Amazon (UK): Lean Architecture for Agile Software Development


Amazon (USA): Lean Architecture for Agile Software Development

Estimates and NoEstimates

We had a debate&discussion at XP-Man on NoEstimates for which I did some notes. Reading the NoEstimates stuff, I was most attracted to the sense of "Let's not be satisfied with second rate" and of a thirst for continuous improvement.
I was left with the sense (possibly because I already believed it) that there are contexts in which NoEstimates works, and contexts in which it doesn't. But I was very glad to be provoked to ask in each case, "What value if any is our estimate/planning effort adding?" and "Isn't there a better way to deliver that value?"

What is an Estimate?

An estimate for a Project is (1) a list of things to work on; (2) a cost-range for those things; and (3) a list of risks, that is (3a) of Dependencies that 1&2 rely on, and (3b) of things that might cause significant change.

An estimate or plan for a sprint is (1) a list of things to work on, (2) a "cost" (eg story points) for those things and (3) a list of things we are uncertain about, or (4) need to get help with.

The value of a project estimate is to feed-in to (1) A go/no-go decision and (2) seeing things we want to see sooner rather than later (e.g. should we hire more people, do we need help from specific 3rd parties, is releasing in time for Christmas possible)

The value of a sprint estimate is, to see things we need to ask for in advance (ie external help or resources); to give everyone a sense of confidence about what we're doing; to fail-faster, that is to see sooner what we can't achieve.