There is a duplicate system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler section defined

You've been working with no problems probably in VS2008 on web app written on .net 2 or .net 3.5 or .net 3.5 sp1 and then you try running on a machine with windows 7 or vista running IIS7 and you get this error message...
Simples. It's comes of running your .Net 2 (you did know that a .Net 3.5 app actually runs on .Net 2 didn't you?) app under .Net 4. Fix it by changing the app pool for your web app to the pre-defined "Classic .Net App Pool", which runs .Net framework 3
Run a dotNet 2 or dotNet 3 or dotNet 35 app under IIS7

Bob Martin’s eliminate boolean arguments tip – an example

I don't always agree with Bob Martin's Clean Code Tip #12: Eliminate Boolean Arguments - probably because the mathematician in me believes that there are such things as functions of a boolean value - but I came across an example in a WinForms app today where I'd apply it.

void FindApplicant(int id)
    applicant= getTheApplicantFromDataLayer(id);

turned out to mean:

void ProcessUI(bool processing)
       ... do a whole load of stuff

which would have been easier to read as:

void FindApplicant(int id)
    applicant= getTheApplicantFromDataLayer(id);

void DisableUIWhileUpdating()
void UpdateUIafterDataChange()
{ a whole load of stuff

C# : To return a comma delimited list from an array or collection of strings


            var description = new StringBuilder("");
            foreach (var item in productItems.Where(x => x.ItemType == type))
                description.Append(item.Description + ", ");
            return description.Remove(description.Length - 2, 2).ToString();


return string.Join(", ", productItems.Where(x => x.ItemType == type).Select(x => x.Description).ToArray());

because the first example fails when your collection has no elements.