There is nothing that it is like to be a computation

Whatever it is like to be a bat, there is nothing that it is like to be a computation.

A computation is the abstract form. Whether embodied in pencil on paper, or in neurons in an organism, the computation is the abstract — disembodied — structure, not the embodiment.

Software: Which Design is Architectural?

“Not all design is architectural” is widely repeated. Non-circular answers to “which design is architectural?” are less common. Here's one:

A design or decision is architectural if it impacts the system as a Whole, not merely in part.

(from @visarch 2004, )

You’re Only As Good As Your Last Backup

… is a necessary rule of thumb for computer-based knowledge & design workers. But add the lesson of cloud computing:

Backups: If you don't have 3 copies, you aren't serious.

The standard redundancy for cheap cloud storage options is 3 copies. Anything less is reduced redundancy, sold at discount. You should have at least 2 backups, for instance both a home backup disk and a cloud drive or repo.

A big win, when you plan for multiple copies, is that you no longer need any of them to be highly reliable. What matters more is, how fast can you make another copy if one copy goes down?